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10/1/2018 1:30 PM


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This image, captured with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy — otherwise known as M31. This is a cropped version of the full image and has 1.5 billion pixels. You would need more than 600 HD television screens to display the whole image. It is the biggest Hubble image ever released and shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the galaxy’s pancake-shaped disc stretching across over 40 000 light-years. This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton (University of Washington, USA), B. F. Williams (University of Washington, USA), L. C. Johnson (University of Washington, USA), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler.Releasio Snakio is a mod of a JavaScript Snake clone. It was made by Ethan White. The Toad Snake will move very fast, and every frame there is a 50% chance of it moving a distance of two squares instead of one, making it possible to clip through the Toad Head Cherries. The game is lost when Toad Snake collides with a Toad Wall Block or a segment of itself. The game includes a Hard Mode, in which Toad Snake will teleport to a random point on the level when he gets a Toad Head Cherry. The background music is the music from stage 1 of the NES game Contra. The Snake speeds up when more Toad Head Cherries are collected, and upon reaching a specific score the game is beaten. There are two versions: Version 1.0 was the first to be released, and has a white background for the level, and does not have a hard mode. Version 1.1 has mostly transparent Toad Faces as the background, and adds a Hard Mode as well as minor text fixes.

This image, captured with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy — otherwise known as M31. This is a cropped version of the full image and has 1.5 billion pixels. You would need more than 600 HD television screens to display the whole image. It is the biggest Hubble image ever released and shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the galaxy’s pancake-shaped disc stretching across over 40 000 light-years. This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton (University of Washington, USA), B. F. Williams (University of Washington, USA), L. C. Johnson (University of Washington, USA), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler.Releasio Snakio is a mod of a JavaScript Snake clone. It was made by Ethan White. The Toad Snake will move very fast, and every frame there is a 50% chance of it moving a distance of two squares instead of one, making it possible to clip through the Toad Head Cherries. The game is lost when Toad Snake collides with a Toad Wall Block or a segment of itself. The game includes a Hard Mode, in which Toad Snake will teleport to a random point on the level when he gets a Toad Head Cherry. The background music is the music from stage 1 of the NES game Contra. The Snake speeds up when more Toad Head Cherries are collected, and upon reaching a specific score the game is beaten. There are two versions: Version 1.0 was the first to be released, and has a white background for the level, and does not have a hard mode. Version 1.1 has mostly transparent Toad Faces as the background, and adds a Hard Mode as well as minor text fixes.This is a cropped version of the full image and has 1.5 billion pixels. You would need more than 600 HD television screens to display the whole image. It is the biggest Hubble image ever released and shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the galaxy’s pancake-shaped disc stretching across over 40 000 light-years. This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton (University of Washington, USA), B. F. Williams (University of Washington, USA), L. C. Johnson (University of Washington, USA), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler.Releasio Snakio is a mod of a JavaScript Snake clone. It was made by Ethan White. The Toad Snake will move very fast, and every frame there is a 50% chance of it moving a distance of two squares instead of one, making it possible to clip through the Toad Head Cherries. The game is lost when Toad Snake collides with a Toad Wall Block or a segment of itself. The game includes a Hard Mode, in which Toad Snake will teleport to a random point on the level when he gets a Toad Head Cherry. The background music is the music from stage 1 of the NES game Contra. The Snake speeds up when more Toad Head Cherries are collected, and upon reaching a specific score the game is beaten. There are two versions: Version 1.0 was the first to be released, and has a white background for the level, and does not have a hard mode. Version 1.1 has mostly transparent Toad Faces as the background, and adds a Hard Mode as well as minor text fixes.

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